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McDermott Professional Solutions, Inc. | Independence, OH

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In the world of sales, leaving voicemails can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, voicemails can be an effective way to communicate with potential customers and leave a lasting impression. On the other hand, leaving too many voicemails or leaving them poorly can be a waste of time and damage your credibility. So, the question is: should you leave voicemails or not?

Coaching and developing a sales team can be a challenging task, but it's essential for the success of any business. A well-trained and motivated sales team can help drive revenue growth and increase customer satisfaction. In this blog post, we will discuss three effective ways to coach and develop a sales team.

Sales is the lifeblood of any business, and tracking its performance is crucial to determine the overall success of the company. While there are various ways to measure sales performance, two common methods are leading and lagging indicators. In this article, we will explore the differences between these two types of indicators and how they can be used in sales.

Sales is all about understanding the customer's needs and providing the best solution for their specific situation that will allow the prospect to make a great decision. However, this is not always easy, and it requires asking tough questions. Unfortunately, many salespeople avoid asking tough questions, fearing that it might offend the customer, damage the relationship, or derail the sales process. When in reality, asking those questions is crucial for sales success. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of asking tough questions in sales and provide you with tips to do it effectively

The one thing that scares me in life, is regret. Not regret in terms of when I mess up and make a mistake, but when I want to do something, and I don't out of fear. From as far as I can remember I made a promise to myself, that I would have no regrets in life.

It's that time of year when the year turns over and we all get a clean slate. How did the year end for you? For many, some goals were hit, some fell short, and some challenged the assumptions of what you could accomplish. The real question is, what did you learn? What did you fail at that made you better? As we turn the page into a new year here are 3 ways to think about your goals and how to crush them.

In business development sales cycles can be all over the place, putting us in a position of the "following up" game. Don't misinterpret my message here, following up isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it can be confusing on how to navigate and stay relevant to the prospect.

Are you leaving it all on the field?

I was at my son’s soccer match this past week in a big game against a local rival school. The hype for the game was at its highest, both teams flexing how they were going to be the victors and doing what kids do. The game was intense both teams leaving it all out on the field, and unfortunately, we came up short. Seeing my son at the end of the game, exhausted, sweaty, and bloody there was no doubt he left it all out on the field, he had nothing more he could give.

86,400 seconds are in a day, but why do so many Executives and business professionals struggle with managing their time? Many will say that technology while making life more convenient is a deep dark abyss of someone else’s agenda that pulls our focus.

Hunting new sales opportunities is exciting, nerve racking, and at times can be highly complex given the types of services or products that you offer. So, how do you decide what opportunities to pursue and which ones do you pass on? The better question would be, what is your ‘go/no go’ strategy when looking at a new opportunity?